to perform his duty as Measurer and Inspector of Lumber
for the said village, to the best of his skill and judgment,
without favor, affection, partiality or prejudice.
CHAP. 63.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That when any person may
want lumber measured and inspected, he shall deliver or
cause to be delivered, a written notice to the Measurer and
Inspector aforesaid, whose duty it shall be immediately
Notice to be gi-
ven by persons
wanting lum-
ber inspected.
thereafter to measure and inspect the same; but that no-
thing herein contained shall be construed or taken to com-
pel any person or persons, to have his or their lumber
measured and inspected; but that all persons wishing it,
shall have it done by the Measurer and Inspector appoin-
Not to compel
ted as aforesaid; and if any person shall measure or in-
spect lumber in said village, and receive pay therefor,
without being appointed by the Governor and confirmed
by the Senate as aforesaid, and contrary to the true intent
and meaning of this act, such person so offending shall
forfeit and pay twenty dollars for each and every offence,
Forfeiture for
any other per-
son inspecting
to be recovered and 'collected in the manner other small
debts are collected out of court; one half of which shall
be appropriated to the informer, and the other half to the
use of the State.
A supplement to an act, entitled an act to abolish the Com-
missioners of the Tax and Levy Court of Worcester
County, provide for the election of Commissioners for
said comity by the people, and to prescribe their duties.
Passed Feb. 20,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the commissioners elected under the pro-
visions of the original act, to which this is a supplement,
be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to ap-
point a clerk, other than the clerk provided by the original
act, to discharge such duties as were heretofore discharged
and performed by the clerk to the commissioners of the
tax of said county.
to appoint clerk.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers are hereby authorised to allow the clerk, appointed
under the provisions of this act, such compensation as
they may deem proper; provided, the same does not exceed
the sum of two hundred dollars.