An act authorizing the Trustees of the Poor of Charles
County to exchange certain land.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the trustees of the poor of Charles county,
be and they, or a majority of them, are hereby authorized
and empowered to exchange a certain part or parts of a
tract or tracts of land held by them, with Gustavus
Brown, for a certain part or parts of a tract or tracts of land
held by him in fee simple, adjoining each other; provided,
the said trustees in their discretion shall deem the same
CHAP. 60.
Passed Feb. 11,
Exchange of
land authorised.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said trustees,
or a majority of them, be and they are hereby fully authoriz-
ed and empowered to make, do and execute all acts, deeds
and conveyances necessary and proper to effect the ex-
change aforesaid.
Deeds &c. to be
An act in relation to Howard District.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That any one of the judges of the court of
Howard District of Anne Arundel county, shall have full
power and authority to administer the proper oaths of
qualification to the clerk of the court and register of wills
who have lately been appointed for said district.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the election lately
held for sheriff of said district, shall be and the same is
hereby ratified and confirmed, and shall have like effect
and operation as if the returns thereof had been filed with
the clerk of said district within the time now limited by
law, provided, that such returns be made and filed with
said clerk within three days after his qualification.
Passed Feb. 19,
Judge to admi-
nister oath to
clerk, &c.
Election ratifi-
ed, &c.