CHAP. 58.
100 lbs. to hun-
dred weight
Allowance to
be made
bundles, shall be weighed at the State Hay Scales, and
no other place, and by one of the -weighers, at the rate of
one hundred pounds to the hundred weight; and it shall
be the duty of the said weigher, or his deputy, as the case
may be, to make a reasonable allowance for the moisture
of said hay or straw, as well as for the mud or other sub-
stance attached to lie wagon, or cart, or sled containing
such hay or straw; and the said weigher shall make out
his certificate for every hundred pounds nett weight, and
that every twenty hundred pounds nett weight shall be
considered a ton; and he shall be entitled to receive two
cents, to be paid by the seller, for every hundred weight
of hay and straw thus weighed, until the weight of the
load amount to twenty hundred; but in no case shall he
receive more than forty cents for any one load of hay or
straw so weighed.
acts repealed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all acts and parts of
acts, inconsistent with this act, be and the same are here-
by repealed.
Passed Feb. 10,
An act to authorize the sale of a School House in Frederick
Authority to sell
To apply pro-
ceeds. &c.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That William Grove, John Shindler and Jo-
seph L. Huffer, or a majority of them, be and they are
hereby authorized and empowered to sell and to convey a
school house in district number fourteen, being one of the
primary school districts in Frederick county, to be sold in
such manner, and upon such terms as they the said Wil-
liam Grove, John Shindler, Joseph L. Huffer, or a ma-
jority of them, shall think best; and it shall be their duty
to apply the proceeds arising from the sale of said school
house towards the payment of a school house lately built
in said primary school district.
To take effect.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this law shall not take
effect before the tenth day of April next.