CHAP. 50.
An act to confirm an act, entitled an act for the establish-
ment of a Municipal Jurisdiction over a part of Anne
Arundel county, and to alter and change the Constitution
of this State, as far as may be necessary to effect the
same, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty-eight, chapter twenty-two.
Passed Jan. 16,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That an act, entitled an act for the establishment of a
and to alter and change the constitution of this State, as
far as may be necessary to effect the same, passed at De-
cember session, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, chap-
ter twenty-two, be and the same is hereby confirmed.
An additional supplement to an act passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, chapter two
hundred and seventeen, providing for the election of
Commissioners for Baltimore county, and prescribing
their powers and duties.
Passed Jan. 21,
WHEREAS by a supplement of December session, eigh-
teen hundred and thirty eight, chapter two hundred and
one, it is provided that the commissioners of Baltimore
county, so soon as they shall have ascertained the amount
of tax to be levied annually on said county, they shall
apportion the amount to be collected in each election dis-
trict of said county; and whereas it is found to be incon-
venient to put the aforesaid act into operation until a new
assessment shall have been made of the real and personal
property of said county — therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the fourth and fifth sections of the aforesaid supple-
ment, be and the same are hereby repealed; provided how-
ever, that the commissioners for Baltimore county shall
not exceed seven per centum upon the taxes of the whole
county for collection, and that the said commissioners
shall give at least ten days notice, by advertising in two
of the newspapers in the city of Baltimore, the time of
making their appointments for the collection of taxes.