CHAP. 48.
Passed Jan. 16,
A supplement to an act, entitled an act for the reassessment,
and revaluation of the Real and Personal Property of
Allegany county, passed December session, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-eight.
WHEREAS at the December session of eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-eight, an act, entitled an act for the re-
assessment and revaluation of the real and personal pro-
perty of Allegany county was passed: the eleventh section
of said act makes it obligatory upon the assessors of said
county to make a return of the assessment and valuation
of said property to the commissioners of Allegany county,
on or before the first day of October, eighteen hundred
and thirty-nine; and whereas the assessors failed to make
said return according to the eleventh section of said act
for want of time;
Return of asses-
ment to be made.
If ratified to be
SECTION 1. Be it therefore enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, The return of the assessment and
valuation of the real and personal property of Alle-
gany county be made, upon the first Monday of April,
eighteen hundred and forty, to the commissioners of Al-
legany county; and if ratified and confirmed by them, the
said commissioners of Allegany county, or a majority of
them, at their next or regular stated meeting, after the said
return shall have been made, shall be good and valid to
all intents and purposes.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the eleventh section of
the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, chapter two
hundred and fifteen, for the reassessment and revaluation
of the real and personal properly of Allegany county, is
hereby repealed and of no effect.
allowed person
who made out
books, &c.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the county commis-
sioners be, and they are hereby authorized and empow-
ered, to allow such compensation as they may deem
reasonable, to the person or persons who made out the
books and papers for the use of the assessors appointed
under the act to which this is a supplement.