A supplement to the several acts of Assembly passed for the
benefit of Insolvent Debtors.
CHAP. 4.
Passed Jan. 16,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the judges of the several county courts within the
State of Maryland, be and they are hereby authorised and
empowered to grant unto all persons whatever the benefit
of the several acts of Assembly, passed for the relief of
Judges to grant
benefit of in-
solvent laws.
insolvent debtors; provided, the said persons shall in all
respects comply with the requisitions of the said acts of
Assembly, except proof of residence of two years, proof
of residence of sixty days to be sufficient, and that they
satisfy the judges of the several county courts aforesaid,
that they did not come into this State with the view and
for the purpose of obtaining the benefit of the said insol-
vent laws, and provided, the aforesaid person shall be
compelled to file their petitions for the benefit of the said
insolvent laws, in the usual manner with a justice of the
orphans' court of the county, who is hereby authorised
and directed to make the necessary orders, and discharge
Petition to be
them from actual custody on the usual terms; provided
nevertheless, that no part of this act shall be so construed
as to apply to the city or county of Baltimore.
An additional supplement to the several acts of Assembly
passed for the benefit of insolvent debtors.
Passed Jan. 25,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act entitled a supplement to the several acts of
In full force.