CHAP. 5.
Assembly, passed for the benefit of insolvent debtors,
passed December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-
nine, shall be considered in full force, and shall take effect
from the passage thereof.
Passed Jan. 27,
An act to encourage the emigration of the free people of
color of this State.
Lawful to re-
turn again.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for any free
colored male or female of this State, who may visit the
Island of Trinidad or British Guiana, with a view of as-
certaining whether said places, or either of them, are suit-
able for the emigration and settlement of themselves or
other free persons of color, to return to this State and re-
side therein, in the same manner as though he or she had
never been absent from the same; provided, said colored
persons do not remain out of the State more than eighteen
months; and provided also, said negro or mulatto shall
first satisfy the orphans' court of the county where he or
she shall reside, that said free person of color is visiting
the said places for the purpose aforesaid.
Orphans' court
to issue license.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the orphans' court, upon being satisfied that such free
persons of color intend visiting the places aforesaid, for
the object aforesaid, to issue a license to said person of
color under the seal of said court, granting the permission
herein allowed; and it shall also be the duty of said court,
to cause a record of such license to be kept, and to make
an annual return thereof to the legislature.
If detained, &c.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if such free colored
person shall be detained more than eighteen months by
any sufficient or unavoidable cause, and the said orphans'
court shall be satisfied of the fact, then it shall be lawful
for said free colored person to return and settle in this
State, and the said orphans' court shall grant to said per-
son a license to that effect.