court, to answer the indictment there pending against him,
and the said recognizance may be recovered by said court
if the purpose of justice shall in their opinion require it.
No. 60.
Resolution relating to certain officers therein mentioned.
WHEREAS, it appears to this Genera! Assembly, the
original design of publishing and distributing a large num-
ber of the copies of the Laws passed at each session of
the Legislature, and also of publishing the Votes and
Proceedings of both branches thereof, was for the purpose
of diffusing general information among the people of the
State — therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
it shall be the duty of the several county clerks to deliver
to the justices of the peace, who are appointed in their
respective counties, one copy of the Laws and the Votes
and Proceedings each, whenever said justices shall apply
for the same, any law, custom or usage to the contrary
notwithstanding; provided, that the officers entitled to a
copy of the Votes and Proceedings are first supplied or a
copy for each retained.
No. 61.
Passed Mar. 20,
Resolution relating to certain accounts for articles furnish-
ed the Senate Chamber.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay the accounts to
Andrew Slicer, William Woodcock, T. Palmer & Co.
Richard Thompson and Joseph Robinson, for work done
and materials furnished for the use of the Senate and its
officers, in the Senate Chamber; provided, the whole
amount of payments on said account shall not exceed the
sum of ninety-eight dollars and seventy-five cents.
Passed Mar. 20,