Resolution relating to certain Public Documents.
Resolved by Vie General Assembly of Maryland, That
the several printers to the legislature, be and are hereby
directed to furnish to the State Library, ten copies of all
public documents ordered to be printed, in addition to those
already ordered under resolution number fifty-two, passed
at December session eighteen hundred and twenty-nine;
and that the committee on claims be requested not to set-
tle the accounts of said printers, until the librarian shall
certify to them of their delivery into the library; and that
the librarian shall file and cause the said fifteen copies of
the public documents, to be bound for the use of the le-
No. 56.
Passed Mar. 20,
Resolution in favor of General O. H. Williams.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the Western Shore, pay to General O. H.
Williams, the sum of two hundred and forty-three dollars,
being the amount of supplies furnished the troops under
the command of Captain Hollingsworth and Barnes, by
sundry persons, when on an expedition against the rioters
on the line of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, to be paid
over by the said Williams to the claimants.
Resolved further, That the treasurer of the Western
Shore pay to General O. H. Williams, or order, the sum
of two dollars per day, to all officers in the troops of Cap-
tains Barnes and Hollingsworth, and to the private soldiers
of said troops a sum not to exceed the regular pay of mi-
litia in service, for each and every day which individuals
may have been engaged in suppressing the riots along the
line of canal, in September last, according to the list of
names and days of service which the said committee may
make out and file with him for his direction; provided, that
General O. H. Williams give bond to the treasurer, which
shall be approved by him for the faithful appropriation of
said sums of money; the whole amount not to exceed three
hundred dollars.
Passed Mar. 17,