directed to transfer to the credit of Carroll county, for the
support of free schools, fifty-nine shares of the stock of
the Farmers Bank of Maryland, which now stands to the
credit of Frederick county; and also, to pay to the order
of the commissioners of tax of Carroll county, the sum of
three dollars and eighty cents, out of any money being to
the credit of Frederick county, the same being together
the value of one-fifth of the amount of the hank stock
standing to the credit of Frederick county, according to
an estimate furnished by said treasurer.
Resolved, That the said treasurer pay to the order of
the commissioners of tax, of Carroll county, the sum of
five hundred and fifty-four dollars and ninety-four cents,
out of any money which is now or may hereafter be stand-
ing to the credit of Frederick county, in the treasury, for
the support of free schools, being one-fifth of the amount
of dividend received on the bank stock to the credit of
Frederick county, since January eighteen hundred and
thirty-seven, according to the statement of the said trea-
No. 49.
Passed Mar. 17,
The Examiner General to perform certain duties as herein
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Examiner General, be and he is hereby authorised and
directed to examine the certificate of a tract of land called
Yarmouth, surveyed the thirteenth day of February eigh-
teen hundred and thirty-nine, for Joseph Logsden, of Al-
the nineteenth January eighteen hundred and thirty-nine,
out of the Land office of the Western Shore; and when
examined and passed, the Register of the Land office
aforesaid shall receive said certificate, and when com-
pounded on the Chancellor of Maryland is hereby autho-
rised and directed to issue a patent for the same, which
when issued shall be as good and valid as if the same had
been returned, examined, passed and compounded on ac-
cording to law; provided however, the same shall in no
manner affect or impair the rights of any other person or
persons whatsoever.