Resolution relating to the Tobacco Trade.
WHEREAS, the Slate of Maryland is vitally interested
in the culture and sale of tobacco; and whereas, import
duties and transit charges are levied upon this article in
those countries, with which our most intimate commercial
relations exist, which if not prohibiting its introduction, yet
seriously impair its value to the grower; and whereas, in
some of those countries, an unfavorable discriminating tax
is especially imposed upon the product of Maryland; and
whereas, the export of this article from the United States,
is only second to that of cotton in quantity and value; and
whereas, the generous policy of the United States, in les-
sening as far as practicable the duties upon the exports of
those countries has not been reciprocated by them with re-
ference to this material item in our agricultural products;
and whereas, it is the duty of the Congress of the Union
in view of our external trade, to secure the results of labour,
in every portion of it, a fair and equal equivalent — There-
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Senators and Representatives in Congress from
the State or Maryland, be earnestly requested to exert
their efforts to procure either by urgent negotiation or retali-
atory import, a repeal or material modification of those re-
strictions which so unjustly distinguish our tobacco ex-
ports in Europe.
And be it further resolved, That the Governor of the
State of Maryland be requested to forward to each of the
Senators and Representatives in Congress, from the State
of Maryland, a copy of the foregoing preamble and reso-
No. 12.
Passed Feb. 26,
A resolution in favor of Mary Branson, widow of John B.
Branson, a Soldier of the Revolution.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the Western Shore, be and he is hereby
directed to pay to Mary Branson, of St. Mary's county, or
her order, twelve dollars and eleven cents, the amount of
Passed Mar. 3,