arrears of pension due her late husband John B. Branson,
at the time of his death.
Resolved also, That the treasurer of the Western Shore,
be and he is hereby directed to pay to Mary Branson,
widow of John B. Branson, late a soldier of the revolu-
tion, or to her order annually, in quarterly payments during
life, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private,
commencing the first day of January eighteen hundred and
forty, in consideration of the services rendered by her hus-
band during the revolutionary war.
No. 13.
Passed Mar. 9,
Resolution in favor of Elizabeth Brooks, widow of Joshua
Rutledge, a Soldier of the Revolution.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the Western Shore of Maryland, be and
he is hereby directed to pay to Elizabeth Brooks, of Har-
ford county, widow of Joshua Rutledge, who was a lieu-
tenant in the revolutionary war, or to her order, annually,
during life, in quarterly payments, commencing from Jan.
uary the first, eighteen hundred and forty, the half pay of
a lieutenant, in consideration of the services of her said
husband rendered during the war of the revolution.
No. 14.
Passed Mar. 3,
Resolution in favor of Susan O'Hara.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
that the treasurer of the Western Shore, be and he is here-
by directed to pay to Susan O'Hara, widow of John O'-
Hara, a revolutionary soldier, or her order, annually, dur-
ing life, in quarterly payments, the half pay of a private,
from the first day of January eighteen hundred and forty,
in consideration of the services of her husband rendered
during the war of the revolution.