of the expenses and carrying on the business operations
of said institution.
No. 6.
Resolution in favor of Sarah Moore, widow of Nicholas
R. Moore.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is hereby
authorised and required to pay to Sarah Moore, widow of
Nicholas R. Moore of Baltimore city, or to her order, du-
ring life, in quarter yearly payments, commencing with
the first of January eighteen hundred and forty, a sum of
money equal to the half pay of a captain of cavalry, in
lieu of the half pay of a lieutenant, heretofore granted,
in consideration of the services rendered by the husband
during the revolutionary war.
No. 7.
Passed Feb. 7,
Resolution in favor of Henrietta M. Frazier, widow of
William Frazier.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is hereby
authorised to pay to Henrietta M. Frazier of the city of
Baltimore, widow of William Frazier, who was a lieu-
tenant in the revolutionary war, or to her order, in quarter
yearly payments, commencing with the first of January,
eighteen hundred and forty, a sum of money equal to the
half pay of a lieutenant, during her life, as a further re-
muneration for the services of her deceased husband.
Passed Feb. 7,