NO. 3.
Passed Jan. 28,
Resolution in favor of William O'Neill.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is hereby
directed to pay to William O'Neill, or to his order, the sum
of one hundred and ninety seven dollars and ten cents, for
nails furnished by him to the State's tobacco warehouse
No. 2.
No. 4.
Passed Feb. 7,
Resolution in favor of Robert Wason, Executor of Walter
McAttee, deceased.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Robert Wason, (executor of Waller McAttee, late of Al-
legany county, deceased, ) be allowed ten days from the
passage of this resolution, to compound on a certificate of
survey for a tract of land called "Interior" lying in the
county aforesaid, and containing fifty six and three eighths
acres; and the Treasurer of the Western Shore is hereby
authorised to receive the same, thereby making the cer-
tificate for said tract of land as valid as if the same had
been compounded on in due time; provided nevertheless,
that rights acquired in any part or the whole of said land,
by other persons since the issuing of the warrant on
which said survey was made, shall not be affected by any
thing contained in this resolution.
No. 5.
Passed Feb. 7,
Resolution in favor of the Maryland Penitentiary.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is hereby
authorised and directed to pay to the Directors of the
Maryland Penitentiary, the sum of fifteen thousand dol-
lars, to be taken out of any unappropriated money in the
treasury, the said sum to be applied towards the payment