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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 301   View pdf image
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SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
hereby appointed shall be entitled to two dollars per day
for their services for attending to the erecting and build-
ing said bridge, to be paid jointly by the respective coun-
ties therein mentioned, in equal proportions.

CHAP. 316.


SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That in case of the death
or refusal to act, of either of the commissioners herein
before appointed, then and in that case the commissioners
of said county wherein the vacancy or vacancies shall
occur, shall at their next meeting fill such vacancy, or as
soon thereafter as may be convenient, who shall have and
receive the same power and privileges as the commis-

sioner or commissioners appointed by this act.

Vacancies: how

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners here-
in named shall not be allowed for attendance to building
said bridge more than fifteen days each.


Term of service.

An act entitled an act to authorise a Lottery to raise a sum of
money to construct a Turnpike Road from Rockville, in
Montgomery County, to the Monocacy Bridge.

Passed Mar. 20,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for Edward
Hughes, Arnold T. Winsor, Samuel Stonestreet, Asa Hy-
att, Francis C. Clopper, John Griffith, Colonel John Mc-
Pherson and Casper Quynn, or a majority of them, to pro-
pose a scheme or schemes of lottery, the drawing of such
lottery to be completed at the expiration of all lottery

Individuals to
propose scheme
of lottery.

grants, to raise a sum of money not exceeding seventy-
five thousand dollars, and to sell and dispose of the tick-
ets thereof; provided, the said Edward Hughes, Arnold
T. Windsor, Samuel T. Stonestreet, Asa Hyatt, Francis
C. Clopper, John Griffith, Col. John McPherson and Cas-
per Quynn, or a majority of them, as shall undertake to
act under this law, before the disposal of any ticket or tick-
ets in said lottery, give their bond to the Slate of Mary-
land for one hundred thousand dollars, with security to be
approved by one of the judges of Montgomery or Frede-
rick county courts, conditioned that they will, within three
months after the completion of the said drawing of said
lottery, pay to the treasurer of the Western Shore of Ma-
ryland, five per cent upon the sum raised, and well and

To raise 75, 000

Bond required.

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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 301   View pdf image
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