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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 300   View pdf image
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CHAP. 315.
Levy authorised.

How collected.

one of the commissioners appointed under the provisions
of the original act to which this is a supplement,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of
Harford county are hereby authorised and empowered, if
in their opinion they shall deem it necessary, to levy upon
the assessable property of said county, at their next coun-
ty levy, the sum of three hundred dollars in addition to
the sum authorised to be levied by the original act to
which this is a supplement, and to have the same collec-
ted as other county levies are, and made payable to the
said bridge commissioners, to be accounted for by them
under the provisions of the original acts aforesaid.


Passed Mar. 16,

An act appointing Commissioners to build a Bridge over
the Patapsco Falls, in Carroll and Baltimore Counties.

Levy authorised
to build bridge.

to contract for
building bridge.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall be lawful for the commissioners
of Carroll county and Baltimore county, and they are
hereby authorised in their discretion, and required to le-
vy and cause to be collected in the year eighteen hundred
and forty-one, upon the assessable property of said coun-
ties, a sum of four hundred dollars on each county, for the
purpose of erecting a bridge across the Patapsco Falls,
at John Galeside's Factory, or near the place the county
road crosses the said fall's that leads from Reisterstown
past said factory, until it intersects the Deer Park load,
which leads to Baltimore; and John C. Kelly, of Car-
roll county, and William Gore, of Baltimore county, are

superintend the erection of the said bridge at or near
where the county load crosses the falls, and that they also
shall have full power to contract with some person or per-
sons for doing the work for said bridge on the most favo-
rable terms, and it is also required that the bridge shall
be built in a good and substantial manner.

Levy to be paid
over, &c.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the money hereby
required to be levied and collected shall be made payable
to the commissioners herein named, and shall be by then
accounted for to the commissioners of their respective

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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 300   View pdf image
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