CHAP. 299.
name; and as such, may use a common seal; and in law
be capable of sueing and being sued, of pleading and be-
ing impleaded.
Journal of pro-
ceedings to be
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid board of
trustees shall keep a regular journal of the proceedings, in
a suitable book to be provided for that purpose; and said
proceedings, when duly attested by the president and se-
cretary, shall be conclusive evidence of any appointments
made by the board of trustees.
Rights reserved.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the right is hereby ex-
pressly reserved to the General Assembly of Maryland, at
its pleasure, to alter, amend or annul this act of incorpora-
Passed Mar. 16,
An act to incorporate the First Maryland Temperance Bene-
ficial Society of Baltimore.
WHEREAS, William S. Wilcox, John W. Blake, Peter
Rose, Samuel Maccubbin, James S. Smith, John H. Hall,
Benjamin F. Nalls and Elijah Hughes, and others, have
formed themselves into a society, for the laudable purpose
of affording relief to each other and their respective fami-
lies, in the event of sickness and death, and have prayed
an act of incorporation, that they may better execute their
intention, and the legislature of Maryland being desirous
of promoting such useful institutions — Therefore,
Individuals in-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the persons mentioned in the preamble of
this act, and all others that now are or may hereafter be-
come members of this corporation herein erected, and their
successors, are hereby declared to be one community, cor-
Name and style.
poraton and body politic, by the name, style and title of
the First Maryland Temperance Beneficial Society of
Baltimore, and by that name shall be able and capable in.
Legal capacity.
law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer
and be answered unto in any court of law or equity, and
to make and use a common seal, the same to alter and
change at pleasure, and to order and establish such by-laws
and regulations as shall be necessary and convenient for
conducting the affairs of the corporation; provided, the
same be not contrary to the laws of the United States, of