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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 289   View pdf image
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the State of Maryland, or the corporation of the city of

CHAP. 299.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the affairs of the said
society shall be managed by a president, vice president,
secretary, treasurer, five stewards, a standing committee
of three, and a messenger, to be elected annually on the
first Wednesday in April in each and every year, in such
manner as said society may appoint.

Officers— when

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said corporation
shall be able and capable in law to purchase, take,
have and enjoy, and to them and their successors, proper-
ty both personal and real, and the same at their pleasure
to dispose of in such manner as they may judge most

Right to hold

conducive to the charitable uses of the said society; pro-
vided nevertheless, that the said corporation shall not at
any one time hold or possess properly, real, personal or
mixed, exceeding in total value the sum of ten thousand

Limit $10, 000.

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all appointments of
officers heretofore made for the society by the members in
their private capacities shall respectively continue and be
in full force until the time specified by this act for the first
election of officers for the corporation.

All appoint-

ments in force.

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if at any time it may
be thought necessary to dissolve the society, a proposition
to that effect shall be laid on the table in writing at a sta-
ted meeting of the society, and may be discussed at the
next stated meeting of the society and may be discussed
at the next stated meeting, but shall not be finally deci-
ded on in the affirmative while ten resident members dis-

If dissolution
be necessary.

sent therefrom; provided however, that no such dissolution
shall operate to impair or invalidate any contract before
that time made or to affect a suit then instituted by or
against said corporation.

Not to impair
contracts, &c.

SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act may continue
and be in full force until the year eighteen hundred and se-
venty, and to the end of the next General Assembly that
may happen thereafter, or unless the society is dissolved by
the members thereof as provided for in the fifth section; it
being, however, expressly declared and understood that
this act may be altered, amended or repealed by the Gene-
ral Assembly of this State at any meeting thereof.

In force.

SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That nothing herein con-
tained shall be so construed as to authorise or empower
said corporation to issue any note, certificate, token or
evidence of debt, to be used as currency; and the right

Banking forbid.

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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 289   View pdf image
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