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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 287   View pdf image
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said, his place shall be supplied by his successor in charge
appointed as aforesaid.

CHAP. 298.

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any vacancy or va-
cancies shall occur in the board of trustees by death, ex-
pulsion from the church or withdrawal therefrom, or by
removing fifteen miles from the said Emory chapel, such
events shall disqualify any person or persons from the
trusteeship, and their places as trustees shall be supplied
as provided for by the aforesaid deed from Samuel Beal
and Edward Owen, and in conformity to the usages of
the said church, and as specially provided for by the Ge-
neral Assembly of Maryland, at December session eigh-
teen hundred and thirty eight, chapter three hundred and

Vacancies: how


SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the preacher in charge
of the Montgomery circuit, for the time being, who shall
have the partial care of the congregation worshipping at
Emory chapel, shall if convenient, preside at all meetings
of the board of trustees, for the transaction of business,
and especially in the supplying of vacancies in said board

Preacher to pre-
side at meeting.

of trustees; and if there be an equality of votes on any
question of business or of appointment of trustees, then
said presiding minister shall have a right to decide and
vole on all questions and elections for trustees for the re-
maining trustees shall be by ballot.

In case of a tie.

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid house
of worship or chapel about to be erected near Mechanics-
ville, in the county aforesaid, for the use of the members of
the Methodist Episcopal church, shall be called and known
by the name of Emory chapel, and the said congrega-
tion shall forever hereafter be called and known by the
name of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Emory Cha-
pel, on Montgomery Circuit.

Name of chapel.

SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said body poli-
tic or corporate, so appointed, and to succeed by appoint-
ment as aforesaid, shall be called and known by the name
of the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of
Emory Chapel, on Montgomery Circuit, and they are
hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the title
and style aforesaid, to act as trustees, in the name and be-

Name and style.

half of said church, and to manage the estate, property,
interest and heritance of the same, in the most upright
and careful manner, for the use of the members of the
aforesaid church, who may worship at said Emory chapel;
and to have perpetual succession in law, and in fact, and

Their powers.

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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 287   View pdf image
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