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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 286   View pdf image
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CHAP. 298.

years past has been a resident of Winchester, Virginia,
where he still lives, and he in conformity to an act, enti-
tled an act, has duly resigned his trusteeship, in the afore-
said premises, to Richard Brown, preacher, in charge of
the congregation worshipping at Hopewell meeting house;
and whereas, the aforesaid Richard Brown, by and in vir-
tue of the power vested in him by the aforesaid deed, as
also by the act of the General Assembly of Maryland,
passed at December session eighteen hundred and thirty-
eight, chapter three hundred and eighty-eight, has appoint-
ed Ignatius Waters, Junior, Moses Barnsly, William B.
Barnsly, Washington Owen, Lloyd Green, Thomas O.
Smith and Samuel T. Stonestreet, trustees, for the uses
and purposes mentioned in the aforesaid deed; and where-
as, the said trustees contemplate speedily to erect on the
said premises, a comfortable house of divine worship, for
the use of the aforesaid Methodist Episcopal church; and
whereas, the congregation worshipping at the aforesaid
Hopewell meeting house, are desirous of changing the
name of Hopewell for Emory chapel, and placing the same
on the most permanent basis — Therefore,

Trustees incor-

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Richard Brown, Ignatius Waters, Junior,
Moses Barnsly, William B. Barnsly, Washington W. Ow-

Stonestreet, shall be constituted a body politic or corpo-
rate, to act as trustees in the name and behalf of the afore-
said congregation, which shall hereafter be known by the
title and style of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Emo-

Their duties.

ry Chapel, in Montgomery circuit, and to manage the es-
tate, interest and property of the same, with the inheri-
tance, according to the rules and disciple of the said Me-
thodist Episcopal church, which now exists, or which
from lime to time he made, amended and declared by the
proper constituted authorities of said Methodist Episcopal
church of the United States of America, and shall have
perpetual succession in law, and fact and name.

Upon removal

of trustees—his
place filled.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That upon the removal of the
aforesaid Richard Brown, from the charge of the aforesaid
congregation, he shall cease to participate in the manage-
ment of the aforesaid property, as trustees; and his place
shall be supplied by the senior minister, sent by the au-
thority of the aforesaid Methodist Episcopal church, to
succeed the said Richard Brown in charge of the said
congregation; and as often as the preacher in charge of
said congregation, shall be changed by the authority afore-

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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 286   View pdf image
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