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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 285   View pdf image
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ficer taking the same, shall have been endorsed on said
written statement or account, or annexed thereto.


CHAP. 298.

An act to change the, investment of the School Fund of
Prince George's County.

Passed Mar. 18,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the justices of the orphans' court of Prince George's
county, be and they are hereby authorised and required, if
they shall deem it expedient, to exchange the bank stock
now held for the use of Prince George's county, and ap-
plicable to the purposes of education, for six per cent,
stock of the State of Maryland, or to sell the said bank
stock, and re-invest the same in State stock as aforesaid.


Orphans' court
to exchange
bank stock for
6. p. ct. stock

An act to incorporate the Trustees of the Methodist Epis-
copal Church of Emory Chapel, in Montgomery Cir-

Passed Mar 17,

WHEREAS, by deed duly executed by Samuel Beal and
Edward Owen, of Montgomery county, and Stale of Ma-
ryland, bearing date the fourth November eighteen hundred
and one, a lot of land of about half an acre, lying in the
county aforesaid, was conveyed to Eli Beal and others,
trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church, and by the
said deed, the trustees are empowered to erect thereon a
house of divine worship, for the use of the members of
the church aforesaid; and whereas, the house aforesaid was
shortly after the date of the deed, erected by said trustees
and known by the name of Hope well Meeting House,
which house is now in a state of ruins, and unfit for reli-
gious worship to be conducted therein; and whereas, by
the aforesaid deed of trust, provision was made to secure
the property to the Methodist Episcopal church, by filling
all vacancies which should occur in the board of trustees
by death or otherwise, so as to perpetuate the trusteeship

deed aforesaid are dead, except Eli Beal, and he for many


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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 285   View pdf image
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