CHAP. 215
Name and style.
successors and assigns, shall be and (hey are hereby incor-
porated and constituted a body politic, by the name and
style of the Deer Creek Improving company, and by the
same name the said subscribers, their successors and as-
signs, shall have and continue to have succession, and al-
ways enjoy the same with all the power necessary to the
constructing their work or works.
May hold meet-
To make or re-
peal by-laws.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That twelve months alter
the first election of president and managers hereinbefore
provided for, and annually thereafter, the company hereby
incorporated shall or may meet for the purpose of electing
eight managers aforesaid for the ensuing year, and shall
also meet at such other times after previous notice given
in the manner hereinbefore prescribed, as they may be
summoned by the president and managers, or as shall he
prescribed by the by-laws, or as shall be required upon a
call made for that purpose by any number of the share-
holders owning not less than one fourth of the amount of
said company's stock then paid in; at which either annual
or special meetings the stockholders shall have full power
and authority by a majority of votes in the manner herein-
before provided, to make, alter or repeal, all or any by-
laws, rules, orders and regulations for the governing and
conducting of the affairs of said company, and generally
to do and perform any corporate act herein authorised.
May contract
for land, &c.
In case of fail-
ure to make
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the president and
managers of the company incorporated by this act, shall
or may agree and bargain with the owners of the land or
property which the road, canal, dams, locks or other
over which any part thereof may pass or be laid, for the
purchase or occupation of the same; and in case of disa-
greement, or if the owner thereof shall be non compos
mentis or under age, or under any disability to convey the
same, or shall be out of the county when such land is
wanted, then and in such case, the compensation to the
owner or owners of as aforesaid, for the land or property
aforesaid, shall be ascertained in the manner hereinafter
provided for ascertaining the same, and the estate, proper-
ty or interest so bargained for or so assessed and condemn-
ed for the use of said company, shall be and is hereby de •
clared to be thenceforth vested in the said company.
Stone, &c. to be
procured by
contract, &c.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That in all cases where
stone, earth, gravel or sand, shall be necessary for making,
or repairing the said road, canal or other works by the
company hereby incorporated, other than the stone, gravel,