CHAP. 211.
Bond to be filed.
ed for the faithful discharge of their duty as commission-
ers; which bond or bonds shall be made to the State of
Maryland, and be filed in the clerk's office of Allegany
county court, and may, on a certified copy thereof as evi-
dence, be sued as other public bonds may, by any person
or persons or body politic interested in the condition there-
Scheme to bo
sold, &c.
Bond to be giv-
en by purchas'r.
Bond to be filed.
Report to be
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners appointed by this act, may sell, for such sum of
money as they may deem proper, the scheme aforesaid;
and the purchasers thereof, and their assigns, shall have
and enjoy all the rights and privileges in the disposal of
the tickets in the scheme aforesaid, and the raising money
therefrom, as is by this act conferred on said commission-
ers; provided however, that before such purchaser or pur-
chasers, or their assigns, shall avail themselves of said
scheme, they shall enter into bond to the State of Mary-
land, with sureties to be approved, and in penalty to be
fixed by said commissioners of lotteries, or any one of
them, for the punctual payment of all prizes that shall be
drawn to such tickets; and the bond or bonds shall be filed,
and may be sued as provided in cases of said bonds of
said commissioners; and said commissioners shall make
report, verified by affidavit, immediately upon making the
sale of the scheme as aforesaid, particularly certifying the
amount and terms of such sale.
Buildings to be
When comple-
ted, to whom
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners by
this act appointed, shall have full power and authority to
build, and upon such plan and dimensions as to them shall
seem fit, an Academy in the town of Frostburg; and a
Market House and town Hall above it, in the town of
Cumberland; and the said commissioners to the purposes
aforesaid, shall apply the money accruing to them under
and by virtue of this act; and when all said buildings and
improvements shall have been completed, the academy in
Frostburg shall be surrendered to John Neff, John Powell,
John L. Skinner, E. Combs and John Porter, who are
hereby appointed trustees for the same; and the market
house and town hall, to the Mayor and Council of Cum-
To pay prizes
drawn, &c.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That when the said commis-
sioners shall, in place of selling the scheme, sell the tick-
ets therein, it shall be the duty of the commissioners to
pay the prizes which may be drawn to such tickets, which
obligation shall be deemed to be within the condition of
their bond or bonds aforesaid.