that may be necessary for a full supply of said city, and
the same to convey in such manner and directions as they
may deem most suitable and proper; provided always, that
if compensation be required by any person whose rights
may be affected for injury done them by use and convey-
ance of water as aforesaid, and such persons shall be un-
able to agree with said corporation as relates to the amount
of compensation, application may be made to Frederick
county court, whose duty it shall be to direct the sheriff
of said county, to summon five respectable men of his
bailiwick to view and value the injury, if any, that may
have been done to the rights of the person affected as
aforesaid, and from whose decision either party may ap-
peal to the county court, which shall give judgment ac-
cording to the equity and right of the matter.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That when the said com-
missioners, shall in place of selling a scheme, sell the
tickets therein, it shall be the duty of the commissioners to
pay the prizes which may be drawn to such tickets, which
obligation shall be deemed to be within the condition of
their bond.
CHAP. 21 J.
In case compen-
sation be requi-
red for injury
Sheriff to sum-
mon five men
to value, &c.
Right of appeal.
To pay prizes
drawn, &c.
An. act in aid of the building of an Academy in Frosiburg,
and a Market House and Town Hall over it, in Cumber-
land, Allegany County.
Passed Mar. 4,
SECTION 1. And be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Joseph Dilly, William Ridgely, Samu-
el M. Semmes, Daniel Blocker, James Black, Mashach
Frost and Thomas Perry, of Allegany county, be and they
are hereby appointed commissioners, with full power and
authority, by a scheme of lottery, and the sales thereof, or
of the tickets therein, to raise the sum of ten thousand
dollars, over and above all expenses and charges whatso-
Money to be
raised by lot-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the scheme aforesaid
shall be approved by the commissioners on lotteries, or any
one of them, before the same or any tickets shall be deemed to
Scheme to be
approved before
sale of tickets.
be authorised to be sold; and that before the said commission-
ers may sell as aforesaid, they shall enter in to bond with sure-
ties to be approved, and in a penalty to be fixed by the said
commissioners on lotteries, or anyone of them, condition-
to bond.