SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That any vacancy that may
from time to time occur, by resignation, death, declining
to act, or any other cause, in the board of commissioners,
CHAP. 212.
the person or persons appointed to such vacancy or vacan-
cies, being however, hereby required, before they shall be
competent to act, to enter into bond, with sureties and
condition, and in penalty as prescribed by the second sec-
tion of this act, in regard to the commissioners herein na-
to bond.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That this act and all the
privileges, franchises and lights conferred hereby, shall ex-
pire and cease after the first day of December, eighteen
hundred and forty-five.
In force.
A supplement to an act, entitled an act to incorporate a
Company to make a Turnpike Road from Hagerstown, in
Washington County, to the Pennsylvania Line, passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, chap-
ter three hundred and twenty-one.
Passed Mar. 4,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the commissioners specified in the ninth
section of the original act, who or a majority of whom
agreeing, shall lay out a turnpike road, in the nearest and
gerstown, through Leitersburg, in the direction of Waynes-
To lay out turn-
pike road.
borough, in Franklin county, Pennsylvania; and that said
commissioners shall have discretionary power to change
the location of said turnpike road, from the bed of the
public road leading from Hagerstown, through Leitersburg,
in the direction of Waynesborough, at such places as
they conceive the general interest of the company and the
power to change
public may require; provided, the commissioners do not
make the location on any other land than the bed of the
public road, without first obtaining the free consent, in
writing, of the owner or owners of such land through
which they contemplate making the new location, or by
paying the said owner or owners such sums of money as
three disinterested land-holders, living near said road,
may adjudge to be a fair compensation for such land so
taken by the commissioners.