CHAP. 190.
ney, as they may deem proper, the scheme aforesaid; and
the purchasers thereof, and their assigns, shall have and
enjoy, all the rights and privileges in the disposal of the
tickets in said scheme, and the raising money therefrom,
Bond to be giv-
en, &c.
as are by this act conferred on said commissioners; provi-
ded however, that before such purchasers, or their assigns,
shall avail themselves of said scheme, they shall enter in-
to bond to the State of Maryland, with sureties to be ap-
proved, and in penalty to be fixed, by said commissioners
of lotteries, or any one of them, for the punctual payment
of all prizes that shall be drawn to such tickets, and the
Bond to be filed.
bond shall be filed, and may be sued as provided in cases
of said bond of said commissioners;and said commissioners
To make report.
shall make report, verified by affidavit, immediately upon
making sale of said scheme as aforesaid, particularly cer-
tifying the amount and terms of such sale and to whom
to pay prizes
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if the said commis-
sioners shall in place of selling said scheme, sell the tick-
ets therein, it shall be the duty of the commissioners to
pay the prizes, which may be drawn to such tickets, which
obligation shall be deemed to be within the condition of
their bond aforesaid.
To purchase lot
of ground.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That so soon as the com-
missioners aforesaid, shall have received a sufficient sum
of money, under the provisions of this act, to enable them
to do so, they or a majority of them shall proceed to pur-
chase a lot of ground not exceeding twenty acres, includ-
Erection of
ing the site of the ancient city of St. Mary's, and to erect
all suitable and proper buildings for the establishment of a
female seminary, and that said lot shall be deeded to the
State of Maryland, and said deed recorded in the office of
the county clerk of St. Mary's county.
Room to be set
apart for pre-
servation of
books, &c.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners shall provide and set apart a proper and suitable
room in one of said buildings, for the purpose of collec-
ting and preserving all books and other relics connected
with, and calculated to throw light upon the first settle-
ment and early history of this Slate.
Authority to
increase com-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That when said commis-
sioners shall have progressed sufficiently in the discharge
of their duties under this act, by the erection of houses,
enclosing the lot, &c. they shall then, or a majority of
them, proceed to increase their number to thirteen, which
Name— duties.
board shall then be called and known by the name of the
Board of Trustees for St. Mary's Seminary, and as such