shall have full power to appoint and employ teachers, and
to superintend and manage generally the affairs of said
institution, and to make an annual report of the progress
and situation of said seminary to the legislature.
CHAP. 192.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That any vacancies that may
from time to time occur by resignation, death, declining
to act, or any other cause in the board of said commis-
sioners, shall be filled by the commissioners of St. Mary's
In case vacan-
cies occur.
county, or a majority of them; the person or persons ap-
pointed to such vacancies being however hereby required,
before he or they shall be competent to act, to enter into
bond, with surety and condition and in penalty as prescri-
bed by the second section of this act in regard to the
commissioners herein named.
To bond.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That this act and all the
privileges, franchises and rights conferred hereby, shall
expire and cease to be exercised at the expiration of the
year of eighteen hundred and forty-five, or at the time
when all other grants by the State shall expire.
In force.
An act to divorce Louisa Ellicott, from her husband
Thomas Ellicott, Junior.
Passed Feb. 20,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Louisa Ellicott, of Baltimore city, be
and she is hereby divorced from her husband Thomas
Ellicott, Junior, a vinculo matrimonii.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Louisa Elli-
cott shall have the custody and guardianship of her chil-
dren, whose rights shall not be in any manner affected by
the passage of this act.
of children.
A supplement to the act passed December session eighteen
hundred and eight, chapter four, entitled an act to incor-
porate the Trustees of the Male Free School of Baltimore.
Passed Feb. 21,
WHEREAS, by an act of Assembly passed at December
session eighteen hundred and eight, chapter four, entitled