choly reflection, that nothing now remains but a few
mouldering bricks, to point out to the antiquarian the
spot where civilization and Christianity were first introdu-
ced into our State; and whereas, the people of Maryland,
and more especially the citizens of St. Mary's county,
actuated by that delicate sensibility which prompts man to
adorn and scalier flowers around the tombs of departed
relatives and friends, desire to establish on that sacred
spot a female seminary, that those who are destined to
their education and early impressions at a place so well
calculated to inspire affection and attachment for our na-
tive State; and whereas, the object contemplated, can-
not be accomplished by private contribulion and munifi-
cence, and should for other good and sufficient reasons
receive the countenance and support of this legislature: —
CHAP. 190.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Cornelius Combs, Caleb W. Jones and
John W. Bennett, of St Mary's county, be and they are
hereby appointed commissioners, with full power and
authority by a scheme of lottery, and the sales thereof or
of the tickets therein, to raise the sum of thirty thousand
dollars, over and above all expenses and charges whatso-
ever; provided however, that the said lottery shall be
drawn under the direction of the lottery commissioners, in
pursuance of the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-five,
chapter two hundred and five.
To raise by lot-
tery $30,000.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the scheme aforesaid,
shall be approved by the commissioners of lotteries, or any
one of them, before the same or any tickets shall be deem-
Scheme to be
approved before
sale of tickets.
ed to be authorised to be sold; and that before the said
commissioners may sell as aforesaid, they shall enter into
bond, with sureties to be approved, and in a penalty to be
fixed by said commissioners of lotteries, or any one of
them, conditioned for the faithful performance of their
purposes of this act, of all monies coming into, their
hands; which bond shall be made to the State of Mary-
land, and be filed in the clerks office of St. Mary's county
court, and may on a certified copy thereof as evidence, be
sued as other public bonds may, by any person or persons
or body politic interested in the condition thereof.
to bond.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers appointed by this act, may sell for such sums of mo-
Scheme, &c.
to be sold.