CHAP. 166.
Passed Feb. 21,
An act to change the place of holding the Elections in the
Fifth Election District in Cecil County.
Judges to alter
place of hold-
ing elections.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the judges of the fifth election district in Cecil coun-
ty, be and they are hereby authorised, empowered and re-
quired to hold in future the elections in said district, in the
village of Charles Town, in such house as they or a ma-
jority of them may think proper, any usage, custom or law '
to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Feb. 21,
An act supplementary to an act to incorporate the German
Reformed Congregation in Baltimore Town, passed twen-
ty-fourth December, seventeen hundred and ninety-jive.
In case vacan-
cies occur.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That in the event of any vacancy or vacancies occurring,
by death, resignalion or otherwise, in the board of Elders,
Deacons and Trustees of the German Reformed church
in the city of Baltimore, it shall be lawful for said board,
or a majority of them, to fill such vacancy or vacancies as
Notice to be
the case may be, by an election by ballot; provided, that
said election shall not take place until at least one weeks
notice to the members attending church, shall be given
from the pulpit thereof, of the blended election to be held
by said board.
Passed Feb. 21,
An act for the relief of Henry Bussard.
WHEREAS, it has been represented and shewn to the Le-
gislature of Maryland, that the late Peter Brengle, late
the sheriff of Frederick county, did in his life time by
Henry Houck, his deputy in that behalf, in virtue of a fieri
facias issued out of Frederick county court and to the said
sheriff directed, commanding him to make a sufficiency to
satisfy the debt and cost in said fieri facias mentioned, out