government of said academy, and the instruction of the
youth aforesaid, and to appoint such of their body, not
not less than three, as they may think proper, to be a
quorum or committee, for transacting all general and ne-
cessary business of said seminary, and making temporary
rules for the management thereof, and also to delegate to
the said professors and teachers such powers and authori-
ties as they shall think expedient for the government and
discipline of the said seminary, and the executing of the
regulations thereof; and also to make such regulations for
the directions, visitations and examinations of the said
seminary and the students and scholars therein, as shall
CHAP. 163.
best promote the important object of the institution; pro-
vided always, that the said ordinances be not repugnant to
the constitution and laws of this State.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said trustees and
their successors, or a majority of them, shall meet at least
twice in every year, in stated semi-annual meetings, to be
appointed by their own ordinances, and at such other
times as by their said ordinances, or by their own ad-
journments, they may direct; and when so assembled they
shall have power, from time to time, to appoint a presi-
dent, treasurer and secretary, to make contracts with the
professors and teachers, relative to the instruction of the
scholars to be placed under their care, and for the pay-
ment of their salaries, to examine the progress of the stu-
dents and scholars, to hear and determine on all com-
plaints and appeals, and all matters touching the disci-
pline and government of the said academy, and the exe-
cution of the ordinances, and generally to manage the
state of the concerns of the said seminary, in such man-
ner as they shall deem best for the advantage of the in-
Election of offi-
Make contracts.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That nothing herein con-
tained, shall be so construed as to authorise or empower
said corporation to issue any note, certificate, token or evi-
Banking forbid.
dence of debt, to be used as currency; and the right is
hereby expressly reserved to the General Assembly of
Maryland, at its pleasure, to alter, amend or annul this
act of incorporation.
Rights reserved.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That this act shall continue
and be in force for the period of thirty years and no lon-
ger, from the passage thereof.
In force.