assessed and levied as aforesaid, the. commissioners shall
have authority to appoint collectors, who shall qualify, and
in as respects this act for the purpose aforesaid, as though
this act and the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-eight,
chapter twenty-two, had not been passed.
CHAP. 98.
SEC. 31. And be it enacted, That the trustees of the
poor of Howard district shall remove from the alms house
of Anne Arundel county, all such persons as shall be in
said alms house at the time of the passage of this act, and
who were taken from any part of the territory now consti-
Removal of
poor, &c.
tuting said district; and that the commissioners of said dis-
trict shall pay to said trustees the expenses of such remov-
al; and said commissioners are authorised to assess and levy
upon the assessable property of said district, a sum suffi-
cient for such payment, and to defray the expense of keep-
ing the paupers so to be removed to Howard district, until
they shall be removed as aforesaid.
Expense of re-
SEC. 32. And be it enacted, That upon the passage of
this act, it shall be the duty of the clerk of the Senate, and
the clerk of the House of Delegates, to furnish the Go-
vernor of this State forthwith, with a certified copy there-
of, who shall cause the same to be published in the Balti-
more Republican. Baltimore Patriot, Baltimore Post and
Baltimore American, twice in each week for three weeks.
To be published.
SEC. 33. And be it enacted, That the court of Howard
district of Anne Arundel county, shall have exclusive ju-
risdiction over all crimes, misdemeanors, penalties or for-
feitures heretofore or hereafter committed or incurred in
said district, of which the county court of Anne Arundel
county, previous to the sixteenth day of January, eighteen
hundred and forty, had jurisdiction, excepting such crimes,
misdemeanors, penalties and forfeitures for which prose-
cutions are now pending in Anne Arundel county court, or
of which it hath already taken cognizance.
H. Dist. court to
have jurisdic-
tion over mis-
demeanors, &c.
SEC. 34. And be it enacted, That the sessions of the
court of Howard district of Anne Arundel county, shall
be held on the second Monday in March and the third
Monday in September, in each and every year, and that
the first regular session of said court shall be held on the
third Monday of September next, but that the judges of
said court may hold a meeting of said court for the return
of process and the organization of the same, on such day
as said judges may appoint.
Sessions of the