CHAP. 98.
Officers of A. A.
co'ty. to act for
Howard district.
ment of a register of wills for said district, shall apply to
said district as though it were a county.
SEC. 26. And be it enacted, That all the officers of
the county now acting in and for so much of Anne Arun-
del county as lies within Howard district, shall continue to
act as they now are acting until the appointments shall be
made under this act.
Sheriff and col-
lector to com-
plete collec-
SEC. 27. And be it enacted, That the present sheriff
and collectors of Anne Arundel county shall have full
power and authority to complete their collections within
Howard district, as though this act and the act of eigh-
teen hundred and thirty-eight, chapter twenty-two, had
not passed.
Information to
be furnished in
regard to valu-
ation of proper-
ty, &c.
SEC. 28. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the clerk of the commissioners of Anne Arundel county,
to furnish the commissioners of Howard district any in-
formation which they may require in regard to the valua-
tion and assessment of property within the limits of said
Howard district, and any other information which they
may deem necessary for the proper discharge of their du-
To revalue, &c.
ties; and that the said commissioners of Howard district
shall have the authority to re-value and re-assess the real
and personal estate of said district, so far as the dividing
line between said district and the residue of Anne Arun-
del county may render it necessary; and in making such
valuation and assessment, the said commissioners shall be
governed by the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-two,
chapter one hundred and thirty-nine, and its supplements,
so far as the same may be applicable to the case.
Removal of ca-
SEC. 29. And be it enacted, That in every case remov-
ed to the court of Howard district of Anne Arundel coun-
ty, the costs of such removed case shall be paid by the
county from which such case was removed, and that the
laws which relate to removal of cases to Anne Arundel
county court, shall apply to cases removed to the court of
Howard district of Anne Arundel county.
Levy authoris-
ed to defray li-
SEC. 30. And be it enacted, That the present board of
commissioners of Anne Arundel county shall assess and
levy upon the assessable property of Anne Arundel coun-
ty, including Howard district, a sum of money sufficient
to defray all the liabilities of the county, up to the time of
the passage of this act, and such further sum as may be
necessary to carry the provisions of this section into effect;
How disbursed.
and that said money shall be received and disbursed by
said commissioners for the purposes aforesaid, and that
for the purpose of collecting and levying such money so