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Session Laws, 1810
Volume 599, Page 82   View pdf image
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deed; and on the said James Fulton executing and delivering to the said trustees such deed as the
court shall direct for that purpose, it shall and may be lawful for the said court to release the said
James Fulton from all debts, contracts, claims and demands, against him as one of the late firm of
Alexander and James Fulton, or for which the said James Fulton was or is in any way liable as one
of the partners of the said firm; provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be construed
to release any claim against the said James Fulton for any debt contracted by him solely and on his
own account.

Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.

A Supplement to the Act, entitled, An Act to incorporate the Stock-
holders of the Mechanics Bank of Baltimore.

BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That no stockholder in the Mechanics Bank
of Baltimore, shall be considered a practical mechanic or manufacturer, within the meaning of
the seventh section of the act to which this is a supplement, nor as such be eligible as a direc-
tor of said bank, unless he shall have actually learned and wrought at some mechanical or manufac-
turing trade far the term of three years at the least, and for the term of twelve months next pre-
ceding the time of his election shall have carried on, and shall then be carrying on, as his principal
occupation, some mechanical or manufacturing business, in his own person or with his own funds,
by workmen or apprentices employed by or working under him.

II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That at all future elections of directors of the Mechanics Bank of
Baltimore, eleven and not more of the directors elected the preceding year by the stockholders shall
be eligible, which shall be the eleven persons having the greatest number of votes at such election^
and qualified in other respects as the original act and this supplement require, any thing in the said
original act to the contrary notwithstanding.


Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.

An ACT to lay out and make public a Road in Baltimore County.

BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Benjamin Jones, Richard Benson, Tho-
mas Wooden, John Maclellen and John Ridgely, be and they are hereby appointed commission-
ers, and they, or a majority of them, are hereby authorised and empowered to lay out and open, at
the expense of the petitioners, a road not exceeding thirty feet in width, from the new cotton fac-
tory now erecting on Gwinn's Falls to the new Liberty road, on the straightest and best direction
the nature of the ground will admit of, and with as little inconvenience to the land-holders as pos-
sible, and the said road, when so laid out, and the valuation herein after directed to be made shall
have taken place, and a plot thereof made out and returned to the clerk of Baltimore county court
to be recorded among the records of said county, shall for ever thereafter be deemed a public high-
way, and kept in repair as other public roads are in said county.

II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall ascertain
and value what damages may be sustained by any person or persons through whose land the said road
shall pass, taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages, if any, and the same, when
so assessed, shall be paid, or secured to be paid, by the person or persons who may apply to have
the said road laid out, straightened and amended as aforesaid, to the person or persons entitled to
receive the same, before he or they shall proceed to open the said road.

III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person or persons through whose lands the said road
shall pass, or his, her or their guardian, shall conceive himself, herself or themselves, aggrieved by
such valuation and assessment of damages by the said commissioners respectively, it shall and may
be lawful for any justice of the peace, on his, her or their application, to issue his warrant, under
his hand and seal, directed to any constable of the county, commanding him to summon twelve dis-
interested men, qualified by law to serve as jurors in the county court, to meet upon the premises
on a certain day, of which six days notice at least shall be given to the party or parties interested;
and the said jurors, when so met, and having each first taken an oath, before some justice of the
peace, that he will, without favour, affection, prejudice or partiality, assess the damages sustained
by the person or persons at whose request such inquisition shall be taken, by reason of opening the
aforesaid road through his, her or their land, shall thereupon proceed to assess and value the da-
mages accordingly, taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages, if any, and such
inquisition and valuation shall be final and conclusive between the parties respectively; provided,
that nothing herein contained shall in any manner authorise the said commissioners to lay out or
open the said road through the buildings, gardens, orchards or meadows, of any person or persons,
without his, her or their consent.

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Session Laws, 1810
Volume 599, Page 82   View pdf image
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