the said court, praying the benefit of the insolvent laws of this state, the said judges, or any one
of them, shall be authorised to extend to the said George Stine, the full benefit of the insolvent
laws thereof, without his being required to prove a residence of two years within the state of Ma-
ryland, provided that the said George Stine shall in all other respects comply with the provisions
of the said insolvent laws.
An ACT to authorise the Sheriffs and Collectors of the several Coun-
ties of this State to complete their collections.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the sheriffs and collectors of the seve-
ral counties of this state, whose term of office expired in the year eighteen hundred and nine,
be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to collect until the first day of December, eigh-
teen hundred and eleven, all balances due them as sheriffs or collectors of their respective county
for the year eighteen hundred and nine, in the same manner that they could or might have done
within the time limitted by law, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the said sheriffs or collectors shall proceed to execute or
distrain the property of any person or persons for taxes, officers fees or public dues, in virtue of
this act, they shall deliver to, or leave at the last place of abode of, the person or persons, his, her
or their heirs, executors or administrators, chargeable with the same, at least thirty days previous,
to levying such execution or distress, an account, written in words at full length, of the taxes,
officers fees or public dues, demanded of him, her or them, with an affidavit annexed thereto, if
required, that they have not received any part thereof, nor any thing as security or satisfaction
for the same, more than credit given, to the best of their knowledge.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said several sheriffs or collectors, before they derive any
benefit from or under this act, shall lodge a copy of their collection books in the clerk's office of
their respective county, to be opened for the inspection of all persons interested in the same.
Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.
An ACT for the relief of James Fulton, of the City of Baltimore.
WHEREAS James Fulton, of the city of Baltimore, has represented to this general assembly,
that as one of the late firm of Alexander and James Fulton, he became indebted to a large
amount to sundry persons, which debts the said firm by reason of misfortunes and losses in trade
were rendered unable fully to pay; that on the eighth day of November, in the year eighteen hun-
dred and four, in pursuance of the agreement and direction of a large majority in number and
amount of their creditors assembled at a general meeting, he, together with his partner Alexander
Fulton, by deed duly executed, and since acknowledged and recorded, did convey, assign and trans-
fer, all their real and leasehold estate, in which they, or either of them, were interested, as also
all their goods, wares and merchandizes, and books of accounts, and all debts and sums of money
due or owing to them, and all the property, real, personal and mixed, of every kind, to which the
said Alexander and James Fulton, or either of them, were in any way interested, unto Luke Tiernan
and Alexander M'Donald, in trust for the benefit of all such of their creditors as should assent to
and sign the release contained in the said deed; that the said deed was assented to and signed by
four fifths in amount and value of their creditors, but that the agents of certain British creditors in
this state, not conceiving themselves authorised, did not assent to the said release, and now after
a lapse of more than five years, have commenced suits against him for debts due from the said firm
of Alexander and James Fulton, although by the said deed he has been wholly deprived of all means
of satisfying the said claims, and has since been obliged to encounter great difficulties in supporting
his wife and family, which support they will be entirely deprived of if the said claimants continue
to prosecute their suits against him, and hath prayed that he may be released from all claims and de-
mands against him as one of the firm of Alexander and James Fulton, without prejudicing any just
claims against him for any debts contracted since the date of the said deed; and the prayer of the
said James Fulton appearing reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That on application of the said James
Fulton to Baltimore county court, and satisfying them by competent testimony, that he hath ob-
tained the release of two thirds in amount of the creditors of the late firm of Alexander and James
Fulton, and taking before the said court an oath, to assign and transfer to the trustees in the afore-
said deed named, in such manner as the said court shall direct, all the property, real, personal and
mixed, and all the debts and effects to which he was in any way entitled at the date of the said
Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.