the propriety of authorising the commissioners to sell said piece or parcel of ground and appropriating the pro-
ceeds to the use of the penitentiary; therefore., RESOLVED, That the commissioners for erecting a peniten-
tiary, or a majority of them, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to sell that part of the ground
purchased for the penitentiary, extending across Madison-street continued, lying to the south of this street,
which is excluded by the wall of the penitentiary, and to apply the proceeds thereof to the completion of the
penitentiary; and that the commissioners, or a majority of them, on the receipt of the purchase money, be and
they are hereby authorised and empowered, to execute a deed or deeds to the purchaser or purchasers thereof.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western or of the eastern shore, as the case may be, pay the sum of
ten dollars, as a compensation for their trouble, to such of the clerks of the county courts, and the clerks of the
courts of appeals, as have complied with a resolution of the last session requiring them to make out and return
to this house a statement of the number of suits instituted in, and the number disposed of, by the said courts
respectively, within each year, for three years prior to the first day of September, eighteen hundred and ten.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby directed and empowered to pay to
John Carr, or order, five years full pay of a lieutenant in the revolutionary war, without interest, as a commu-
tation of half pay.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authorised and requested, to employ a
proper person to take care of the arms now lodged, or which may be deposited, in the public arsenal at Anna-
polis, and that they be empowered to draw on the treasurer of the western shore for such sum of money as
they may deem a sufficient compensation for the duties performed by the person so employed.
RESOLVED, That in the event of the passage of an act of congress, before the fourth day of March next,
authorising the negotiation of a loan to the United States, for the ensuing year, then and in that case, the trea-
surer of the western shore shall be and he is hereby authorised and required, on behalf of this state, to sub-
scribe to the said loan the full amount of any balance remaining in the treasury at the close of the present ses-
sion of this general assembly, not otherwise appropriated; but if the opportunity of investing said balance, by
a subscription to a loan to the United States, should not present itself before the fourth day of March next,
the said treasurer is hereby authorised and directed, to invest the said balance in three per cent, stock of the
United States, or in the six per cent, stock of the United States, at the discretion of the said treasurer.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requested, and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to
employ some person to paint and make such repairs on the stadt-house, as they may think essential to the pre-
servation of the building, so far as the sum of one thousand dollars may suffice for that purpose, and that they
draw on the treasurer of the western shore for the said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the
purpose aforesaid, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised and directed, to pay unto
the commissioners appointed to superintend the erection of a penitentiary, the sum of ten thousand dollars, out
of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay unto Leslie Robey, or order, the sum of thirty-three
dollars and sixty-six and a half cents, being the amount of the costs on which judgment of non pross was en-
tered up against the state of Maryland in Charles county.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to William Kilty, Esquire, chancellor of Maryland,
or to his order, the sum of sixteen hundred dollars, as a compensation for his skill, labour, time and attention,
bestowed on the work mentioned in his memorial, and his report to the legislature, in obedience to a resolution
of the general assembly at the last session; provided always, that before any part of the above-mentioned sum
of money be paid, the said William Kilty, Esquire, shall secure the copy right of said work, and assign the
same to the stale of Maryland.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay unto Thomas Harris, junior, the sum of two hun-
dred and forty dollars and forty-six cents, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to James Earle, junior, or order, the sum of sixty-
nine dollars eighty-five cents, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised and required, to pay unto
Martha Mackelfish, of Baltimore county, sister and heir at law of John Philips, the sum of two hundred and