RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby directed and required to pay to Wil-
liam Dawson, of Caecil county, late a meritorious soldier in the revolutionary war, or to his order, in quarterly
payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private, as a provision to him in his indigent situation,
now advanced in life, and as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been
so essentially benefitted.
Whereas it appears to this general assembly, that Vachel Burgess, a captain in the late revolutionary war,
did not receive the commutation in lieu of the half pay for life promised to the officers and soldiers; therefore,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised and directed to pay to the
said Vachel Burgess, four years full pay as a captain, free from interest, as a full compensation for his services
during the late revolutionary war.
RESOLVED, That the governor be and he is hereby requested, annually, to transmit to the executive of each
state in the union, the acts or laws of each session of the general assembly of this state.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council, be and they are hereby requested, to procure a copy of the re-
vised code of laws of this state, and transmit the same to the executive council of the state of Virginia.
RESOLVED, That the governor of this state be and he is hereby requested, to communicate to the executives
of the several states composing the union, that the general assembly of the state of Maryland have taken into
consideration the amendment proposed by the state of Pennsylvania, to the constitution of the United States,
contemplating the establishment of an impartial tribunal, to determine disputes between the general government
and state governments, and that they deem the proposed alteration unnecessary and inexpedient.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, in all cases of
debts due to this state, where judgments have been obtained or may be obtained within the next year, and the
defendants are subject to execution, upon application being made to them, and being fully satisfied that the said
debt for which an indulgence is prayed, is well and sufficiently secured, and upon such applicant paying all the
interest and cost due thereon, to stay any further proceedings against such debtor until the meeting of the next
general assembly, provided, that any judgment upon which proceedings may be stayed as aforesaid, shall con-
tinue and remain in full force, and execution may be issued thereon at any time after the expiration of such stay.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Frederick Green, or order, the sum of three hun-
dred and thirty-six pounds seventeen shillings and six-pence, with interest thereon from the twenty-seventh day
of April, eighteen hundred and ten, in full satisfaction of a judgment obtained by the said Frederick Green
against the state of Maryland; and also the sum of eleven dollars and seventy-five cents, costs, out of any un-
appropriated money in the treasury.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer be and he is hereby required and directed to pay annually to William Horney,
of Talbot county, an old revolutionary soldier, a sum of money, in quarterly payments, equal to the half pay of
a soldier during the war aforesaid, as a further remuneration to the said William Homey for the services ren-
dered his country, and as a relief from the indigence and misery which attend his decrepitude and old age.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised and required to pay half
yearly to Young Wilkerson, of Anne-Arundel county, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a lieutenant
for and during the term of his natural life.
RESOLVED, That John Ritchie, Isaac Mantz and John Dill, be and they are hereby authorised, under the di-
rection of the governor and council, to cause to be repaired the arsenal at Frederick-town, in such manner as
may be necessary for the reception and safe keeping of the public arms and military stores, and that the expense
of making such repairs be paid by the treasurer of the western shore out of any unappropriated money in the
treasury, upon the order of the persons, or a majority of them, herein before named.
RESOLVED, That Perry Benson, George Smith and Benjamin Wilmot, be and they are hereby authorised,
under the direction of the governor and council, to cause to be repaired, or rebuilt, the whole or such parts of
the armory a£ Easton, in Talbot 'county, as may be necessary for the reception and sale keeping of the public
arms and military stores, and if necessary they are hereby authorised and empowered, to purchase as much land
as is requisite for the same in the town of Easton, and that the expense thereof be paid out of any unappropri-
ated money in the treasury.
Whereas the commissioners for erecting a penitentiary, have reported to this general assembly, that the
grounds purchased for the penitentiary extend across Madison-street continued, and that a triangular piece, lying
to the south of this street, is excluded by the wall, and will be of no use to the institution, and hath suggested