CHAP. 10.
commissioners appointed by virtue of this act, shall re-
ceive a compensation not exceeding two dollars per day
for every day they shall be necessarily employed in
the discharge of the duties imposed upon them by the
provisions of this act.
Arranged as collec-
tion districts.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted. That the additional elec-
tion district to be formed by this act, and distinguished
by the name of the Pikesville district, or district num-
ber three, shall constitute a portion of the first com-
missioners. district in said county, and the other new
election district to be known as the White House dis-
trict, or district number five, shall constitute a portion
of the second commissioners district in said county,
Place of holding
and the commissioners of Baltimore county shall desig-
nate places for holding elections in the election districts
created by this act:
Passed Jan. 14,
An act to authorise the Clerk of Frederick county court,
to approve the bond of James Carlin.
WHEREAS. it is represented to this general Assem-
bly of Maryland, that James Carlin was appointed
one of the constables for Frederick county, by the Levy
court of said county, at their session in May last; and
whereas, the bond of said Carlin as constable afore-
said, cannot be approved during the recess of said
court; and whereas, the said court will not be in ses-
sion again till May next: — Therefore,
Bond to be receiv-
ed, &c.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Clerk of Frederick county court, be and he
is hereby authorised, empowered and directed to take
the bond of James Carlin, as one of the constables of
said county, with such securities as the said clerk shall
for constables bonds to be taken, by the Justices of
the Levy court.