An act for the benefit of David Rohrer, in Washington
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Judges of Washington county court, be and
they are hereby authorised and empowered, to grant
unto David Rohrer, now confined in the jail of Wash-
ington county, the benefit of the several acts of Assem-
bly, passed for the relief of insolvent debtors; provided,
the said David Rohrer, shall in all respects, except
that of proving residence, comply with the requisitions
of the said acts of Assembly; and that he satisfy the
Judges of Wash hi ton county court, that he did not
come into this State, with the view and for the purpose
CHAP. 12.
Passed Jan. 16,
Insolvent laws ex-
tended to.
of obtaining the benefit of the said Insolvent Laws; and
provided, the said David Rohrer shall be compelled to
file his petition for the benefit of the said insolvent
phan's court of said county, who is hereby authorised
and directed to make the necessary orders, and dis-
charge him from actual custody on the usual terms,
without proof of residence.
An act to consolidate the sixth and eleventh election dis-
tricts of Somerset county.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the elev-
enth election district of Somerset county, he and the
same is hereby abolished, and the legal voters in said
district, be and they are hereby authorized to vote in
the sixth election district of said county, at the usual
place of holding elections in said district.
Passed Jan. 16,
Eleventh district