for the preservation of the engine of said company,
and all the implements and apparatus belonging there-
to or used therewith; to regulate the election of offi-
cers and members, to enforce attendance of the mem-
bers at the meetings of said company, and observance
of the bye-laws and regulations thereof, and for the
orderly government of said company, the same not
being contrary to the laws of this State, or of the
United States, and generally to do and execute all
such acts, matters and things, as to them shall or may
appear necessary and proper for the purposes afore-
CHAP 85.
General powers.
An act for the relief of the heirs of Joshua Noble, late
of the State of Delaware, deceased.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General
Assembly, by the petition of Charles Noble, of Sus-
sex county, in the State of Delaware, one of the heirs
at law of his father Joshua Noble, who departed this
life intestate, seized of a considerable real estate, ly-
ing partly in Caroline county, in tire State of Mary-
land, and partly in Sussex county, in the State of De-
laware, adjoining; and whereas, he applied for a com-
mission for a division of said real estate to the judges
of Caroline county court, and also to the court in
Sussex county aforesaid, on which petitions, commis-
sions were respectively issued from said courts, but in
as much as the commissioners in the one State, have
no authority to enter upon, and view the parts of the
said land not lying in the State from the court of which
the commission was issued, it is found impracticable
to make a just and equal division of said land, among
the heirs at law, of said Joshua Noble: — Therefore,
Passed Feb. 27,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That tee commissioners appointed under
the commission issued from the court of the State of
Delaware, be and they or a majority of them, are
Authority granted
to make division.