CHAP. 86.
hereby authorised to enter upon, and view such parts
of said real estate as lie in the State of Maryland,
and make such division and return thereof, as if the
whole of the said lands or real estate were lying with-
in the State of Delaware.
Subject to ratifica-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said division
and return of said commissioners, or a majority of
them, shall be subject to the ratification or rejection
of such court in Sussex county aforesaid, as may have
cognizance of such matters according to the laws of
Delaware in this respect, as if the said lands were
wholly within the said State.
Passed Feb. 26,
An act to Incorporate the German Hebrew Charity
WHEREAS, Aaron Weglein, Abram Engelhart,
Emanuel Weinmann, Aaron Herz, Beimhardt Him-
melzeith, Judah Roswald, Jonas Rosenhaupt, Moses
Cohen, Tobias Herz and others, have formed them-
selves into a society for the laudable purpose of afford-
ing relief to each other and their respective families,
in the event of sickness,, distress and death, and have
prayed for an act of incorporation, that they may the
better execute their intentions, and the Legislature
being desirous of promoting such useful institutions: —
Persons incorporat-
Name and style.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Aaron Weglein, Abram Engelhart,
Emanuel Weinmann, Aaron Herz, Beimhardt Himmel-
zeich, Judah Roswald, Jonas Rosenhaupt, Moses Cohen
and Tobias Herz and others, that now are, or may
hereafter become members of the said corporation
hereby created, or may he admitted into the said cor-
poration, agreeably to the constitution, rules and
by-laws of the same, and their successors, are hereby
declared to be one community, corporation and body
politic, by the name, style and title of the German
Hebrew Charity Society.
Officers annually
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the affairs of said
society shall be managed and conducted by a president,