CHAP. 8.
ered to complete his collections in said district, in the
same manner that it would have been lawful for him
to have done if the act erecting Carroll County had
not been passed.
Powers granted.
Sec. 2 And be it enacted, That Samuel Jordan, for-
mer collector of taxes, as aforesaid, be and he is here-
by authorized and empowered to collect any taxes or
balance of taxes now remaining due to, and uncollect-
ed by him in the district aforesaid, in the same man-
ner, and with the same power and privileges, as are
allowed by the existing laws in said cases made and
Affidavit required.
Sec. 3 And be it enacted, That the aforesaid Samuel
Jordan, shall in every instance before he may proceed
to the aforesaid collection, make affidavit before some
justice of the peace of Carroll County, that the same
remains unpaid, and that he hath not received any se-
curity or satisfaction for the same or any part thereof,
more than what creditor credits may be allowed there-
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall not
continue in force longer than one year from the date
of the passage thereof.
Passed Jan. 15,
A supplement to an act, entitled an act to establish Ma-
gistrates' Courts in the several Counties of this State,
and to prescribe their jurisdiction, passed March,
Eighteen hundred and thirty six, chapter two hun-
dred and one.
Relating to fees—
Baltimore county.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the first day of June
next, the justices composing the district courts in each
and every election district of Baltimore County, shall
be entitled to their fees according to the provisions of
the original act, to which this is a supplement, instead
of their per diem allowances.
Repealing clause.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of
acts, repugnant to or inconsistent with this act, are
hereby repealed.