An act to secure to citizens of Allegany County, the right
of trial for debt wider warrant, in the Election Dis-
trict only, in which the party so sued may reside.
WHEREAS, many instances have occurred wherein
citizens of one part of the county have been arrested,
and held to trial in a distant part thereof, remote from
their papers (the exhibit of which would show the true
state of the case) and distant from friends who would
bail their appearance on a future day, leaving them no
alternative but to pay the debt, be it ever so unjust, in
order to be liberated: which oppressive power in the
hands of whomsoever would assume it, is calculated to
deter good citizens from the pursuit of their usual avo-
cations: — Therefore,
CHAP. 7.
Passed Mar. 29,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall
not be lawful to arrest for debt under a warrant is-
sued by a justice of the peace, any citizen of Allegany
County beyond the limits of the Election District in
which said citizen shall at the time of arrest have a
residence, or to carry said citizen warranted before
any other justice of the peace for trial, than one resi-
ding within the limits of said Election District.
Arrest only in re-
sident district.
An act for the relief of Samuel Jordan.
WHEREAS, Samuel Jordan, formerly of Baltimore
County, but now of Carroll County, was some years
since appointed by the Commissioners of Baltimore
County, a Collector of Tax, in and for the sixth col-
lection district of said county; and whereas a part of
said collection district has since been included in and
now constitutes a part of Carroll County; and whereas
some doubts exist as to the legal authority of said Jor-
dan to complete his collections; — Therefore,
Passed Jan. 16,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said Samuel Jordan, as collector
aforesaid, be, and he is hereby authorized and empow-
Authorised to col-