CHAP. 5.
and they are hereby authorised to alter and change
the name of State street, (formerly Wagon alley) in
the city of Baltimore, and to call the same by any
other name.
Passed Jan. 16,
A supplement to an act entitled an act, to provide for
electing Commissioners for Allegany county, and pre-
scribing their power and duties, passed at December
session eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, chapter
WHEREAS, no provision is made in the law enacted
on the twenty-eighth day of January eighteen hundred
and thirty, giving to the people of Allegany county,
the right to choose their commissioners of tax by bal-
lot, to determine in case of tie between two or more of
the candidates, for the said office of county commis-
sioners; and whereas, it appears from the returns of
the judges of election for Allegany county, that at the
last October election, there was a tic vote between
two of the candidates running for said office of coun-
ty commissioners, in the Flint Stone district, in said
county: — Therefore,
Authority in case
of tie.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Governor, by and with the advise and consent
of the Senate, be authorised to fill the vacancy occa-
sioned by the tie vote referred to in the above pream-
ble, by appointing one of the two, who were candidates
at the late October election, in the same manner as is
provided for the filling vacancies in the act, to which
In future cases.
this is a supplement; and that in all cases hereafter,
where there, shall be a tie, between two or more candi-
dates for the office of county commissioners in said
county, the sheriff of said county, as soon as such tie is
ascertained to exist, shall issue his proclamation com-
manding a new election, in such district, giving the
usual notice required by law, which election shall be
held in all respects, according to the provisions of the
election laws of this State,