No. 78.
Resolution in favor of Members of the Legislature, de-
tained at the seat of government by sickness.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to any and all
such members of the Legislature who may be detained
at the seat of government by sickness, after the ad-
journment, a per diem allowance for such time they
or any of them may be so detained by sickness.
No. 79.
Passed April 5,
Resolution in favor of Members coming round the head
of the Bay to the Seat of Government.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to such mem-
bers of the Legislature from the Eastern Shore as have
been compelled to come round the head of the bay to
the seat of government, the addition itinerant char-
ges which the increased travel would entitle them to,
according to the usual rate of itinerancy allowed to
members of the Legislature.
No. 80.
Passed April 6,
Resolution in favor of assistant Committee Clerks.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Charles
Steuart, Edward Thompson, Thomas Gaither and
Owen M. Taylor, each, four dollars for one day as
assistant clerks.
Passed April 8,