Doorkeeper to the House of Delegates, sixty dollars
each, for taking care of their respective rooms and
furniture during the recess of the Legislature.
No. 74.
Resolution authorising the Librarian to purchase copies
of Chancellor Bland's Reports, &c. &c.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
ports shall have been published, the Librarian of the
State Library is hereby authorised to draw upon the
Treasurer of the Western Shore, for five hundred dol-
lars, wherewith he shall purchase at the subscription
price as many copies of said reports as may be procur-
ed for that sum.
Resolved further, That of the copies so procured, the
Librarian shall furnish every county court in the State
with a single copy, and after retaining as many copies
as he shall deem necessary for the use of the library,
shall exchange if possible the remaining copies, if any,
for works of a similar character of other States.
No. 75.
Passed April 4,
Resolution in favor of the Committee Clerks of the
House of Delegates and Senate.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland. That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is here-
by authorised and directed, to pay to Harry D. Gough,
John Burnett, Isaac Gibbons, Thomas M. Flint and
Benjamin E. Gantt, committee clerks to the present
House of Delegates, and to Samuel Spencer and James
C. Reyner, committee clerks to the present Senate of
Maryland, each respectively, the sum of fifty dollars,
for extraordinary services rendered the present session.
Passed April 5,