the expenses incurred in surveying and fixing a site for
a light house at Love point, in Queen Ann's county, in
persuance of an act passed December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty three; provided, that the amount
shall not exceed the sum of forty dollars.
No. 71.
Passed April 4,
Resolution in favor of Gabriel McComas, of Harford
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the commissioners of Harford county, pay to Gabriel
McComas, or his order the amount usually allowed for
holding inquests, for services rendered by him as a
justice of the peace, in holding an inquest on the body
of a certain negro man, who had come to a violent
death, out of any public money now in, or which may
hereafter come to their hands.
No. 72.
Passed April 4,
Resolution directing the Librarian to furnish the Clerk
of Talbot County Court one copy of the acts of As-
sembly of eighteen hundred and twenty-five.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Librarian be, and he is hereby directed to furnish
the clerk of Talbot county court, with one copy of the
acts of Assembly of eighteen hundred and twenty-five;
provided, in the opinion of the Librarian, there are more
copies of the said acts now in the library, than are re-
quired for the use of the General Assembly.
No. 73.
Passed April 4,
Resolution in favor of Andrew Slicer and John Quynn.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay Andrew
Slicer, Messenger to the Senate, and John Quynn,