No. 68.
Resolution in favor of the chief and assistant Clerks
of the House of Delegates and Senate.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is
hereby authorised and required to pay to George G.
Brewer, chief clerk, and Eli Duvall, assistant clerk
of the House of Delegates; and Joseph H. Nicholson,
chief clerk, and John N. Watkins, assistant clerk, of
the Senate, each one hundred dollars, in consideration
of their extraordinary services during the present ses-
No. 69.
Passed April 4,
Resolution in favor of Thomas T. Bond, Deputy Re-
gister of Wills, for Harford County.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Orphan's Court, of Harford county, be, and it is
hereby authorized and directed to pay to Thomas T.
Bond, Deputy Register of Wills for said county, from
any money now in its hands, or which may be hereafter
received, belonging to the school fund, the sum of for-
ty dollars, lor services already rendered by the said
Deputy Register, touching said school fund, and the
additional sura of twenty dollars per annum, commenc-
ing on the first day of April next, for services hereaf-
ter to be rendered, relating to the same, and that it
shall be the duty of the said Deputy Register to per-
form all such services relating to said school fund, as
the Orphan's Court may require.
No. 70.
Passed April 4,
Resolution relative to a site for a Light House, at Love
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Governor, be, and he is hereby authorised to pay
Passed April 8,