by directed to pay to Susanna Haney, of the city of
Baltimore, widow of William Haney, a soldier of the
Revolutionary war, or to her order, the half pay of a
private of the Revolution during, her life, in quarterly
payments, commencing on the first day of January,
eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, in consideration of
the services of her said husband.
No. 62.
Passed April 1,
Resolution in favor of Mary Painter, of Washington
County, widow of Melchier Painter, a Revolutiona-
ry soldier.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is
hereby directed to pay to Mary Painter, of Washing-
ton county, widow of Melchier Painter, a Revolution-
ary soldier, or to her order, the half pay of a private of
the Revolution during her life, in quarterly payments,
commencing on the first day of January, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-nine.
No. 63.
Passed April 1,
Resolution in favor of Wm. S. Green.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
all proceedings on two judgements obtained by the State
of Maryland, against William S. Green, in Anne
Arundel county court, be suspended until the first day
of January, in the year of our Lord, one thousand
eight hundred and forty; provided, the said defendant
pays the said judgments in the following manner, that
is to say: one half of the said debt and all the interests
due thereon, on or before the first day of August next,
and the other half of the said debt and all the interest
and costs then due on or before the first day of Janu-
ary, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hun-
dred and forty; provided, that the said William S.
Green and his securities shall file their assent hereto,
on or before the first day of June next.