No. 53.
Resolution relative to authorising the Adjutant Gen-
eral to furnish Capt. John Thomas, of the New
Market Riflemen, certain arms.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Adjutant General of this State, be, and is here-
by directed to furnish to the order of Capt. John
Thomas, of the New Market Riflemen, sixty stand of
Rifles, together with the necessary accoutrements, by
his order being accompanied with the company's
bonds of security, for their safe keeping and return.
No. 54.
Passed Mar. 29,
Resolution in regard to Carroll Academy, in Carroll
WHEREAS, the Treasurer of the Western Shore en-
tertains doubts whether he is authorised to pay the do-
nation of one hundred and fifty dollars, granted to
Carroll Academy, during the present session, before
the expiration of one year; and whereas, there is now-
due to Carroll county, a balance of one hundred and
fifty dollars, for the use of Academies; — Therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and be
is hereby required, at. any time after the passage of this
resolution, to pay one hundred and fifty dollars to the
trustees of Carroll Academy, or their order.
No. 55.
Passed April 1,
Resolution authorising the repairs of the Armory at
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Governor, be, and he is hereby authorised to cause
such repairs to be made in the Armory at Frederick,
as he may deem necessary for the protection of the
public property therein.
Passed April 1,