An act for the benefit of Mahlon Talbott, late sheriff of
Frederick County.
CHAP. 61.
Passed Feb. 12,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Mahlon Talbott, late sheriff of Fred-
crick county, be and he is hereby authorised to collect
until the first day of September, eighteen hundred and
thirty-nine, all fines, forfeitures, amerciaments, offi-
cers' fees and public dues, which were placed in his
hands for collection, during the time he was in office,
and which have not been collected, in the same manner
as he could or might have done within the time limited
by law.
Authorised to col-
lect till Septem-
ber 1839.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Mahlon
Talbott, be and he is hereby also authorised to take
assignments upon any claims which may have been
placed in his hands as sheriff for collection, and which
he has paid; and to proceed to recover upon such as-
signed claims in the same manner as he might or
could have done, whilst in the office of sheriff.
To take and re-
ceive assigned
Sec. 3. And, be it enacted, That the said Mahlon
Talbott, before he proceeds to execute the body or
property of any person, by the authority of this act,
shall deliver or cause to be delivered to such person, or
persons, chargeable with the same, at least thirty days
previous to serving or levying such execution, a spe-
cific account of the sum demanded of him, her or them,
with an affidavit annexed thereto, that he hath not nor
hath any person or persons acting under him whilst
sheriff or since, received any part thereof, or satisfac-
tion for the same, to the best of his knowledge and
Accounts to be
An act entitled an act supplementary to an act, entitled
an act for the encouragement of Primary Schools in
Prince George's County.
Passed Feb. 14,
SECTION l. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Levy Court of Prince George's
Six commissioners.